Welcome to Leducate Learning

Your students will...

Know their rights.

Our courses are free and available to all.

Exercise their rights.

Our courses are used and trusted by teachers across the country

Thrive in society.

Learn the laws they need to know in life. Jump in today. 

Our Most Popular Courses

Below are some of our more popular courses.

All our courses are open and free to take. For a more presonalised experience, to track your progress or follow along with your school create an account here!

What Our Students Have to Say

It is important to realise that the law has a role in your everyday life. People should take a genuine interest in the law, because of its impact in everything that we do.
RHA Student
From Nottingham
I've not had the best legal education up to this point, I did not really know anything about the law... until today.
RHA Student
From Nottingham

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Legal music? Surely not!

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