Dating: Online and Offline

When using the internet it can be easy to forget that not everyone is as truthful or as trustworthy as we might like them to be. 

To begin with, we’re going to start thinking about how you would go about pretending to be someone you are not online. Take a couple of minutes to have a think, jot down your thoughts in the box to the right.

[Help – drag the bottom right corner of the thoughts box to make it bigger]


Need some hints?

Hover over the boxes below to get some hints!

Hint 1

Online you probably need something to create a fake account... '@'

Hint 2

What makes you trust something the most? Some say it paints a thousand words...

Hint 3

If you saw a social media account lots of followers, or few who would you trust?


How can you arrange a date with someone you meet on a dating app? Match the pictures with the descriptions: